Miami EB-4 Visa Lawyer

Helping Special Immigrants Worldwide

If you are a foreign national and you want to work in the United States, you will need a visa. One of the most common types of visas is the EB-4 visa. EB-4 visas are available to foreign nationals who are special immigrants.

This includes those who are:

  • Religious workers
  • Special Immigrant Juveniles (SIJ)
  • Members of the United States armed forces
  • Specific U.S. government employees
  • Specific broadcasters, such as a reporter, translator, and more

Our EB-4 visa attorney in Miami can help you navigate the visa application process and can represent you in immigration court if necessary.

We offer free consultations. Call (305) 363-7406 or contact us online to speak with a qualified Miami, EB-4 attorney. We help clients all over the world. Se habla Español.

Qualifying for an EB-4 Visa

To be eligible for the EB-4 visa, you must satisfy the criteria established for one of the distinct categories within the employment-based fourth preference. Each category imposes unique conditions, so it is crucial to refer to the USCIS website or seek guidance from a knowledgeable EB-4 attorney to be sure of your eligibility.

Religious Worker Criteria

A special immigrant religious worker is a noncitizen coming to the US to work full-time in a religious role for a non-profit religious organization, one authorized by a group tax exemption holder, or an organization affiliated with a US religious denomination. Here’s how to qualify:

Membership and Religious Organization: You must have been a member of a religious denomination with a bona fide non-profit religious organization in the US for at least two years before filing.

Religious Work Experience: You should have worked in a religious role (minister or religious occupation) for at least two years, starting from age 14, either in the US or abroad, before filing your petition with USCIS. Your prior religious work doesn’t have to be the same as the work you’ll do now.

Work Continuity: A break in your work, not exceeding two years, is allowed as long as you are still employed as a religious worker, and the break is for religious training or a sabbatical. You must also have maintained membership in the petitioner’s denomination during the two years of qualifying employment.

Our Miami EB-4 Visa Attorney Can Help

Navigating the visa application process can be confusing and time-consuming. Our Miami EB-4 visa lawyer can help you through the process. We can file your petition with USCIS and represent you in immigration court if necessary.

Call (305) 363-7406 or contact us online to set up a free consultation. We help clients all over the world.

Client Reviews

I am indebted to VISAS-USA for their great work in getting my O Visa. I highly recommend them!

Karina Vence, Dinastia Market

Thanks to the work and experience of VISAS-USA, I received my visa sooner than I thought. They are true experts on the...

Luis Rey, Pinta Art

The process of getting an American visa was unfamiliar terrain for me. The advice of VISAS-USA was essential to establish the...

Facundo Bermejo, eVent Medical

The VISAS-USA team did everything possible to get my Permanent Residency through a National Interest Waiver application.

Jorge Becerra, Piloto

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